This website is designed for people with an interest in glass target balls and exhibition shooting of the late 1800s. It re-creates the wild and woolly days of Annie Oakley, Buffalo Bill Cody, Capt. A.H. Bogardus, Doc W.F. Carver and all the other eagle-eyed marksmen (and women) famous and not so famous, who excited crowds across the U.S. and around the world.
As editor of this website, and of On Target!, the International Journal for Collectors of Target Balls, I will explore the past (the history of live bird and inanimate shooting), the present (the latest eBay and other auction prices), and news from the expansive and exciting (honest) world of target ball collecting. You will also meet other collectors from around the world who will share their stories. If you have a question, please e-mail me and I will attempt to answer it both personally and on this website.
- Ralph Finch